

Lemar't carrying his birthday present around with him all the time.

The twins were playing tickling with each other!

Yesterday, I finally felt much better after resting a lot for a few days from being a bit ill. The kids, however, made it all easier for it. Jhosmelyr and I have been growing in our relationship, and she is being so positive and good lately too! I am so happy she is being more stable emotionally. She came to me all the time and gave me hugs, and told me she loves me. I was so touched when she said that, and I told her I love her too! Just before dinner started, I went to greet my favorite boys, Lemar't and Jhonatan. While Jhonatan wouldn't let go of my hand, Lemar't was requesting kisses from me. It took a long while before I could get going. In fact, I didn't want to leave them if only I could have dinner later. Jhonatan has been doing so well, and he has been growing intellectually and mentally. He is so funny too, like everytime when he saw me, he would say something funny in his squeaky voice, such as "me toca?" (which means, "my turn?") or "vacuna?" ("vaccination?") when he saw my finger with a bandage on it. And he loves me praising him.

It's hard to believe that it is July already! Today just before I took off to Lima and after lunch, we celebrated the birthdays of BrĂ­gida, my fellow psychologist, and one of my favorite kids Moises. It was really cool as usually the celebration takes place after dinner, and so it was a treat to do so in the afternoon because I wouldn't have been able to celebrate with them since I am in Lima this weekend.

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