

I took him out to play see-saw, and he loved it! By the way, the donations I collected have contributed to the jungle gym we have now in the field, and the kids love it. So thanks guys!

Marcos loves read this Winnie the Pooh book (en EspaƱol).

What a day! I haven't been this busy since I came here! I had a psychology class with youth group 1, and they were just angels! We worked on how to make decisions, and they made a poster together about what they want to do in the future. They did great and it was a lot of fun!

Just before lunch, I saw little Marco in the balcany, so I spent sometime with him. Then I saw tons of ants on the floor in his room, so I helped mopping his floor as there were tons of ants and it was so gross. It was a massacre since thousands of ants was killed. Poor him, his Tuberculosis test has shown positive, so he's isolated from other kids and has to visit the hospital often. So whenever I have time, I'd go and read story with him or play with him. He's a really great boy, very compliant and sweet, and I love hanging out with him.
After dinner, we had English class, and it was my turn to teach! I taught them more about Canada and traveling. At the end, we listened to Canadian singer Shania Twain's version of Coat of Many Colors, as I love this song and I think the kids can learn a lot from the lyrics, both linguistically and morally. I couldn't make copies, and there wasn't enough time either, so I think we'll listen to the song again next class, as they all enjoyed it.

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