Today was Visitor´s Day when all the families were invited to come to the home and visit their kids (while NPH paid for the transportation cost). Lemar´t´s mom didn´t come because her condition is at risk right now. So I, encouraged by the tías, took Lemar´t out the whole day to be his ¨visitor¨. He was very happy to know that I took him out today. Jhon Carlos, a teenage whose has lost contact with his family for a few years, asked me if I could make pancakes, so I made them for him, Lemar´t and myself. We went to the shop and got some ingredients together. We got some soda pops too as it was a hot sunny day. There was a dog in the shop, and Lemar´t was so scared that I had to carry him the whole time! As we went back to make pancakes, some of the tías also made ¨sopa seca¨, a traditional Peruvian dish with flavored noodles and chicken, for those who don´t have families. They shared some with me too! So imagine, we had breakfast, a bowl of sopa seca and some pancakes just before lunch time. Lemar´t showed me his big belly after he ate all of those things! It was so funny. He´s very good at listening to instruction now. Whenever he´s near the stove, I would tell him that it´s hot and not to be near. He would immediately go behind me and hold on to my tee shirt, as I taught him months ago. It´s very sweet. In the afternoon, I needed to attend a couple meetings regarding behaviors of some of the kids, so I sent him back to the tías for a while. After I was done, I went to pick him up again, and we played and I bought snacks for the both of us. Francesco´s family didn´t come as well, so I bought him some snacks too. It could be a tough day, but I hope that our presence had made it all easier for them.
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