After a day of parade in the village yesterday, we had a bit of home activities today for the Peru Independence Day. In the morning, the kids helped with the garden work. I was a bit sick again, so I stayed in and rested a bit. After lunch the older kids watched TV while we carried on with the normal therapies and play with the younger ones. At dinner, Tia Catalina made pancakes for us, which was really nice. John and I went to put the younger kids to bed. First I stayed with Jhonatan who insisted I stayed with him while he grabbed my fingers. I read him the story of Pinocchio as he fell asleep. Then I went to stay in Marcos´ bed. I told him I haven´t put him in bed for so long and I really enjoyed staying with him. He said he remembered the first night he was here and I stayed with him. Then he asked me to read him a story, and so I whispered it in his ear while he fell asleep before I knew it. Finally I went to Franklin´s bed, and he didn´t say a thing but just hugged me really tightly for a long time until he fell asleep deeply.
After they were all asleep, the older kids and we had a bonfire night, where we set up a fire and barbequed sausages. It was super hot at times, but it really warmed up the place and our hearts. Everyone was busy roasting their sausages and snuggled up together. It also made me feel better and more relaxed from the difficulties that I have been experiencing. It was good fun even though it wasn´t great food and the fire was a bit strong at times.
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